A multi-purpose horizontal level, which can contain almost any other element
The structure of a level is the following:
level: main container
level-left for the left side
level-right for the right side
level-item for each individual element
In a level-item, you can then insert almost anything you want: a title, a button, a text
input, or just simple text. No matter what elements you put inside a Bulma level, they will always be
vertically centered.
<!-- Main container --><navclass="level"><!-- Left side --><divclass="level-left"><divclass="level-item"><pclass="subtitle is-5"><strong>123</strong> posts</p></div><divclass="level-item"><divclass="field has-addons"><pclass="control"><inputclass="input"type="text"placeholder="Find a post"/></p><pclass="control"><buttonclass="button">Search</button></p></div></div></div><!-- Right side --><divclass="level-right"><pclass="level-item"><strong>All</strong></p><pclass="level-item"><a>Published</a></p><pclass="level-item"><a>Drafts</a></p><pclass="level-item"><a>Deleted</a></p><pclass="level-item"><aclass="button is-success">New</a></p></div></nav>
By default, for space concerns, the level is vertical on mobile. If you want the level to be horizontal on mobile as
well, add the
is-mobile modifier on the level container.