

Route Planner and Route Optimizer

Themes in Bulma

How Bulma styles its components with CSS variables

In Bulma, a theme is a collection of CSS variables.

Bulma comes with 2 themes:

  • light.scss (required)
  • dark.scss (optional)

The default themes

Because Bulma requires a default value for all CSS variables, it comes with a default light theme located at /sass/themes/light.scss.

It also comes with a dark theme located at /sass/themes/dark.scss.

The file /sass/themes/_index.scss takes care of including both themes, each in two ways:

  • with the @media (prefers-color-scheme: $name) media query
  • with an HTML attribute [data-theme=$name] and CSS class .theme-$name selector

The only difference is that the light theme is also defined at the top-level: :root (equivalent to the html element, the ancestor of all HTML elements on a webpage). This ensures that a default value is set for all CSS variables.

The CSS output of that theme resembles the following:

:root {
    /* CSS Variables */

@media (prefers-color-scheme: light) {
  :root {
    /* CSS Variables */

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
  :root {
    /* CSS Variables */

.theme-light {
  /* CSS Variables */

.theme-dark {
  /* CSS Variables */

Creating a custom theme

Creating a theme is essentially setting your own CSS variables. A custom theme requires:

  • a name like sunrise
  • a scope like :root, [data-theme=sunrise], .theme-sunrise or all three
  • a set of CSS variables and their new value

Customizing in the browser

If you set your CSS variables under the :root scope, you are overwriting Bulma’s default theme. This can be done by with Sass or CSS.

To test out the CSS method, simply follow these steps:

Open your browser inspector


Select the html element


Insert a new value for the --bulma-link-h variable (the hue of the link color)


Notice how the CSS Helpers section in the side menu changes color


How to support Bulma

#native_company# #native_desc#