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Your name will be put on the Bulma website’s backers page, and in backers.md in the Bulma repository.


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Your name will be put at the top of the Bulma website’s backers page, and at the top of backers.md in the Bulma repository.


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Your name or company logo will appear on the Bulma homepage.


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Two of your names or company logos will appear on the Bulma homepage.


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Your name or company logo will appear on the Bulma homepage and in the footer of each page of the website.


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Your name or company logo will appear on the Bulma documentation sidebar.

What is the difference between Patreon and Github?

There is no difference in terms of rewards.

The main difference is that Patreon charges VAT based on your location.

If you already have a GitHub account, your sponsorship will be billed at the same time as your GitHub subscription.

In any case, choose the easiest option for you.

How to support Bulma

#native_company# #native_desc#
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